Saturday, 25 August 2007

Benefits of Witch Hazel: Oily and combination skin

On oily and combination skin, the benefits of witch hazel are numerous.

As a starting point, oily and combination skins have the advantage of youthful appearance and supple skin, but this can be offset by some unwanted characteristics, such as a slight sheen and pimples, unless cared for correctly.

The natural astringent and anti-septic properties of Witch Hazel, make it a highly effective

natural product for combination and oily skins, witch hazel, despite it's harsh sounding name, is in fact a mild product and is highly effective.

For skin breakouts, Witch Hazel is an excellent product for oily and combination skins, as it will remove surface oils and debris which may be helpful for oily or acne-prone skin.

For more information on dealing with breaking out skin Click Here!

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