Thursday, 6 September 2007

Benefits of witch hazel - puffy eyes

One of the benefits of witch hazel, which has excellent anti-inflammatory properties as a blood vessel constrictor, can be applied around the eyes, to reduce the appearance of swelling.

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You do need to be careful when applying anything around the eyes, as Witch Hazel does have astringent properties. Be as careful as you would with any other eye area application.

Puffy eyes are caused for a variety of reasons including.
  • lack of sleep
  • alcohol
  • allergies
  • aging
  • stress
  • poor diet

to name but a few.

Apply the witch hazel on a soaked cotton pad and gently pat the underside of your eye. It will relieve signs of the puffiness and make you feel a lot fresher and better for it.

It is gentle enough to be used alone, or it may be combined with other ingredients or herbs.

For more ideas on the benefits of witch hazel and other natural products, see this link

or here

Nature's Answer Witch Hazel Leaf -- 1 oz

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