The benefits of witch hazel are broad and varied. Witch hazel has traditionally been used for the treatment of wounds, itchy and dry skin and bleeding. It has also been used to treat inflamed eyes.
Though an awful lot of purported herbal remedies are of little value, there is no doubt that witch hazel is an effective natural pharmaceutical. It is one of the few natural remedies to have obtained US FDA approval for sale specifically for medicinal use.
Witch hazel does in fact, contain high levels of tannin, which is an astringent, hence it's long association as a skin treatment. The astringent properties of the plant, has seen an increase in the uses of the plant, which is now widely used in skin-care products, after-sun lotions and aftershaves. It also has uses as a haemorrhoid treatment and for treating varicose veins and inflamed gums.
Witch hazel is often used as a cleanser or toner, for facial care routines and has success as a toner in the treatment of acne and is particularly suited to oily and combination skin types.
The key ingredient in witch hazel is a tannin acid derivative called catechol tannin, When applied to wounds, cuts and abrasions, tannins constrict the tiny capillaries and below the skin surface.
Monday, 10 December 2007
Benefits of witch hazel
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Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Benefits of Witch hazel pimples and acne
Another of the benefits of witch hazel is in helping to deal with acne and pimples.
While acne is often associated with teenage years, it does also affect some people, who keep having difficulties with acne well into adulthood. Blackheads and whiteheads are a result of action within the pores, the causes may be a little more complicated. Studies have blamed genetic predisposition, hormonal variations, and nutrition, as well as external factors, for causing this condition.
Wearing your hair back, washing your face gently, avoiding perspiration or rubbing your face can be of some assistance, but that is not always the answer. When the body is functioning properly it is more able to fend off bacteria and keep skin oil production under control. Witch hazel is recommended as a topical treatment.
So in addition to general treatment surrounding skin care, treatment also may be caused by underlying circumstances, including diet and overall treatment should be considered on more than one level.
Using witch hazel to disinfect the skin significantly reduces the presence of bacteria on the face. This reduction limits skin inflammation and the likelihood of a pimple developing.
For more information on treatment for acne Click Here!
Bookmark this blog for more about the benefits of witch hazel.
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Thursday, 6 September 2007
Benefits of witch hazel - puffy eyes
One of the benefits of witch hazel, which has excellent anti-inflammatory properties as a blood vessel constrictor, can be applied around the eyes, to reduce the appearance of swelling.
You do need to be careful when applying anything around the eyes, as Witch Hazel does have astringent properties. Be as careful as you would with any other eye area application.
Puffy eyes are caused for a variety of reasons including.
- lack of sleep
- alcohol
- allergies
- aging
- stress
- poor diet
Apply the witch hazel on a soaked cotton pad and gently pat the underside of your eye. It will relieve signs of the puffiness and make you feel a lot fresher and better for it.
It is gentle enough to be used alone, or it may be combined with other ingredients or herbs.
For more ideas on the benefits of witch hazel and other natural products, see this link
or here
Nature's Answer Witch Hazel Leaf -- 1 oz
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Saturday, 25 August 2007
Benefits of Witch Hazel: Oily and combination skin
On oily and combination skin, the benefits of witch hazel are numerous.
As a starting point, oily and combination skins have the advantage of youthful appearance and supple skin, but this can be offset by some unwanted characteristics, such as a slight sheen and pimples, unless cared for correctly.
The natural astringent and anti-septic properties of Witch Hazel, make it a highly effective
natural product for combination and oily skins, witch hazel, despite it's harsh sounding name, is in fact a mild product and is highly effective.
For skin breakouts, Witch Hazel is an excellent product for oily and combination skins, as it will remove surface oils and debris which may be helpful for oily or acne-prone skin.
For more information on dealing with breaking out skin Click Here!
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Thursday, 23 August 2007
Pregnancy and the benefits of witch hazel
Witch Hazel has distinct benefits for women during and after pregnancy.
During pregnancy a womans body undergoes considerable biological change. One of those less discussed, but important changes is around the intimate skin area.
The term pH refers to a numerical measure of the acidity or alkalinity of any solution. pH values typically vary across a scale from 0 to 14, with the pH of neutral solutions equal to 7, increasing values have increasing alkalinity and decreasing values have increasing acidity. The pH of the vagina corresponds to the secretions continually produced by the vaginal walls. (taken from sweetspotlabs)
During pregnancy these secretions change, from a slightly acidic balance and this can lead to a risk of irritation, discomfort and possible infection. The intimate skin area has a different pH balance to normal body skin as a way to fight these risks.
Post delivery, the combination of altered secretions and low oestrogen associates with breast feeding exacerbate these risks. It is therefore important to use products which do not disrupt this balance further.
As this is a time when the pH of the vagina can be altered by secretions, and the low oestrogen associated with breast feeding. The key thing in avoiding irritation is maintaining a healthy intimate pH balance.
As an intimate wipe, Witch Hazel meets these characteristics. The cleansing and infection fighting benefits of witch hazel, make this an ideal constituent in intimate skin wipes.
For more natural products, please see
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Wednesday, 22 August 2007
What are the benefits of Witch Hazel as a toner?
What are the benefits of Witch Hazel as a toner?
Witch hazel is a natural astringent, which has been in use for over a hundred years, is being rebranded, with a multi million US$ marketing campaign, but is witch hazel beneficial and is there any value in toning anyway?
Many women have stopped toning, because of time constraints, only cleansing and moisturising. Toning is however a critical part of the skin care regime.
Toning should follow the cleansing part of the regime and it fulfills an important function. Once the skin ha been cleansed, pores tend to open up, which enables moisture to more easily leave the skin, which dehydrates it and open pores are more susceptible to airborn dust and other particles.
Finishing with a moisturiser locks in the moisture to the skin, finishing what should be a three step process.
The benefits of witch hazel as a toner are numerous.
A natural product Witch hazel "extract" is a steam distillate of the recently harvested twigs of the shrub, with about 14 percent alcohol added. This is the witch hazel "water" that reaches most pharmacies in America. In Europe, however, a water-alcohol extract of witch hazel twigs and leaves is more commonly used. The astringnet properties, provide a dual purpose of not only toning, but ialso has stong anti-oxidant properties, which makes it an ideal toner for oily and combination skin.
Time to bring witch hazel out of the medicine cabinet and into the beauty parlour.
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